
Key to Improving Cancer Treatments Discovered

Artistic Rendering of Cancer Cells

Ubiquitin plays a crucial role in cellular processes by regulating protein stability, but USP28 inhibitors, aimed at inhibiting cancer growth, also affect USP25, causing significant side effects. Researchers at the University of W├╝rzburg discovered why USP28 and USP25 inhibitors are non-specific and are now working on developing more precise inhibitors.

Ubiquitin-related enzymes USP28 and USP25 play critical roles in cell processes, but their similar structures lead to challenges in cancer treatment with current inhibitors. Research at the University of W├╝rzburg aims to refine these inhibitors to target more specifically and reduce side effects.

Ubiquitin, a small protein, plays a crucial role in nearly every cellular process by regulating the stability and function of most proteins. When ubiquitin attaches to other proteins, it typically marks them for degradation. However, this process can be reversed by specific enzymes. One such enzyme, USP28, helps stabilize proteins that are essential for cell growth and division, which can also contribute to the development of cancer.

In order to reduce the stability of these proteins and thus inhibit cancer growth, inhibitors of USP28 have been developed. These inhibitors, which form the basis of many anti-cancer drugs currently in development, disrupt cell division by blocking the USP28 enzyme. The problem is that they often act not only against USP28 but also against USP25, a closely related enzyme that separates ubiquitin from other proteins and is considered a key protein of the immune system. Further development of USP28 inhibitors into therapeutics that can be used in the clinic is therefore very difficult because of the foreseeable side effects тАУ ranging from gastrointestinal problems to nerve damage and even autoimmune diseases.

Risk of Confusion Between the Two Enzymes

Researchers at the University of W├╝rzburg (JMU) have now discovered why inhibitors not only target USP28, but also USP25: тАЬApparently, there is a high risk of confusion between USP28 and USP25тАЭ, explains Caroline Kisker, Chair of Structural Biology at the Rudolf Virchow Centre in W├╝rzburg and Vice President for Research and Young Scientists. тАЬWe have been able to show that the two enzymes are very similar or even identical in many areas, including precisely where the inhibitors act.тАЭ

Structure of USP28 in Complex With AZ1

The structure of USP28 in complex with the inhibitor AZ1. All amino acids that are similar (yellow) or identical (green) to USP25 are highlighted. In particular, the region where the inhibitor binds (marked with a red arrow) is identical in both proteins. Credit: Kisker/JMU

As part of her research, the biochemistтАЩs team used X-ray crystallography to analyze the structure of USP28 in combination with the three inhibitors тАЬAZ1тАЭ, тАЬVismodegibтАЭ and тАЬFT206тАЭ тАУ and thus determine the spatial binding site. Further biochemical experiments on USP25 showed that the sites where the inhibitors bind to USP28 and USP25 are identical. тАЬThe inhibitors are therefore unable to distinguish where they bindтАЭ, says Kisker. тАЬThis explains the non-specific effect.тАЭ

Discovery Paves the Way for the Development of Precise Inhibitors

The new scientific findings provide an important basis for the search for more specific drugs with fewer side effects. Their development is the next major goal of the W├╝rzburg researchers. тАЬOur structural biology data allows us to modify existing inhibitors so that they only work against either USP25 or USP28тАЬ, says Kisker. тАЬWe also want to look for inhibitors that bind to less similar enzyme sites. This will give these molecules greater targeting precision.тАЭ

Reference: тАЬStructural basis for the bi-specificity of USP25 and USP28 inhibitorsтАЭ by Jonathan Vincent Patzke, Florian Sauer, Radhika Karal Nair, Erik Endres, Ewgenij Proschak, Victor Hernandez-Olmos, Christoph Sotriffer and Caroline Kisker, 30 May 2024, EMBO Reports.
DOI: 10.1038/s44319-024-00167-w

The research was funded by the German Research Foundation (DFG).

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